
Sensor Integration

 Fenix can provide services in designing and integrating various sensors  through wired and wireless networks. We provide solutions for signal  conditioning, data capture, and multi-sensor data fusion. 

Algorithm Development


Fenix research teams are led by experienced, Ph.D. and M.D. level  researchers. In developing solution our customers' problem, we draw on  our broad knowledge and experience base to implement the best sensor and  algorithm integration approaches. 

We begin by working with our customer to thoroughly understand  the problem from their perspective, defining the system level  requirements in terms of their needs.

 A strong focus on prototype development means that we can  rapidly create candidate solutions that are ready to be transitioned to  our software and hardware implementation teams.  Our prototype  development team has a good knowledge of sensors and software, ensuring a  smooth transition from prototype to production.

Software Development

 Fenix believes in lightweight, agile software development process,  allowing us to maintain schedule while being able to adapt to your  changing needs. We use object-oriented and generic programming  techniques implemented in c++ and Java. This allows us to quickly  integrate new algorithm components to new projects. Our software  methodology makes extensive use of design patterns, ensuring that  applications are built from robust, proven components that have gained  wide industry acceptance. We have a track record of providing seamless  integration into other systems, building on existing software when  possible. Fenix takes pride in delivering reliable solutions, using our  quality assurance framework for system regression testing and unit  testing.  

Research Services

 Fenix excels in the area of applied research and development. We have  world-class expertise in sensor integration, signal processing and  statistical learning algorithms. The research services are fully  integrated with our sensor integration and software implementaion  services.